A star on WhatsApp means that your message is featured, or in favourites. This means that it will appear first...
The republic's president, Jair Bolsonaro, has opposed the measure that allowed workers to withdraw the unused balance of meal vouchers...
Published 09/05/2022 20:02 / Updated 05/09/2022 22:13 (Credit: Reproduction/Lottery Caixa) On Monday night (5/9), Caixa Econômica Federal drew three lotteries:...
São Jose do Rio Preto, September 5, 2022, by Sergio Carrieri - Fies (Education Fund), Debt renegotiation program started on...
salary allowance PIS / Pasep It is a benefit of the right of workers who perform their activities formally, in...
A few years ago, television was one of the most important forms of entertainment for the population. Through the so-called...
Following the results of Trimania, Vale do Itajaí's version, this Sunday, 4, eight people were pulled from Blumenau. However, only...
a nubank It allows customers using credit cards to pay the bill in advance if they want to free up...
Deadline for registered self-employed truck drivers to send the Ministry of Labor and Social Security personal identification Transport of goods....
If you are looking for a job with high employability, you will want to know which profession is on the...