One extra money It could very well go down for Brazilians this month, right? Currently, there is an amount of...
financial technology nubank It is indeed one of the digital banks most used by Brazilians, whether for practicality, benefits or...
a B.C.E. (Central Bank) in 2018 created the money transfer and instant payment method that quickly conquered the country: The...
There is no longer any doubt about that pix It has become the preferred method of payment among Brazilians. Realizing...
Shares Itaú (ITUB4), Multiplan (MULT3) and WEG (WEGE3) are tied as the most recommended stocks (Photo: Ibovespa Mercados Ações)three procedures...
Nubank is a digital bank that was created in 2013 and is already one of the major financial institutions in...
There is no denying that the PIX underwent some changes in January of this year, as determined by the Central...
during Federal Savings Bank, Brazilians can get a lot of financial help this month. Through the digital microcredit simplification program...
Itaú recently announced a novelty for its customers that includes PIX. Now, all customers with a PJ (Legal Entity) account...
Finally, it is necessary to mention that loan application through Caixa Tem can be made by both informal workers and...