Jonathan Jacob Meagher (Photo: Playback / YouTube)
A Dutch YouTuber has been called to explain his position in court after he was accused of fathering more than 550 children through sperm donation. According to the British newspaper The Mirror, Jonathan Jacob Maiger, 41, is accused of cheating hundreds of women.
According to the vehicle, the foundation that coordinates the sperm bank, the Donorkind Foundation, has taken the case to court in an effort to stop Meijer from donating more material.
The first time the influencer drew attention was in 2017, when the Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology warned that he had already delivered 102 babies at 10 different clinics. Later, Jonathan was banned from donating in his country, but he continued his legacy abroad.
“If I had known that he was already the father of more than 100 children, I would never have chosen him.”said Eva, one of the mothers. “If I think about the consequences for my son, my stomach turns. Many mothers told him he needed to stop, but to no avail. So going to court is the only option. I have to protect my son.”he added.
Eva and the Donorkind Foundation hope the lawsuit will destroy Meijer’s sperm still in storage. “We are taking action against this man because the national government is doing nothing”said the head of the institution. He has a global online reach and does business with major international sperm banks.The businessman reassured. Currently, the creator has a YouTube channel with around 4,500 subscribers.
Marc D. Heck, an attorney for the foundation, said Maiger had broken her promise to have no more than 25 children. Recently, the Dutch authorities have updated the law so that donors can only donate the semen of up to 12 women.
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