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Duffy, Lady Eileen, Matthews or MC Bin Laden

Duffy, Lady Eileen, Matthews or MC Bin Laden

Daffy, Lady Ellen, Matthews and MC Bin Laden compete on the 14th wall of BBB 24

Daffy, Lady Eileen, Matthews and MC Bin Laden compete in the 14th wall of BBB 24 (Photo: Globo, Disclosure)

BBB 24's 14th wall is formed by Duffy, Lady Eileen, Matthews and MC Bin Laden in the spotlight and vying to remain in the most watched house in the country. The formation took place on Sunday (24th) and the elimination took place on Tuesday (26th). Read on to find out how the wall was formed and voted in the poll.

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Vote in the poll on the 14th wall of BBB 24

In the vote to choose who will leave, the participant with the most votes in this 14th wall of BBB 24 will be eliminated. See the poll results:

How to vote on BBB 24

In the first six walls, the realistic vote went to staying at home. Thus, the participant who received the lowest votes for that week was eliminated. However, now he will be a participant Most votes Who says goodbye to home?

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Another change is that there are two types of votes: public vote and individual vote. The propeller model is the “mutirões” model com. gshow, with no voting limit. One voice, as its name suggests, is unique. To do this, you must register on the Globo website and submit your CPF.

The voting result is a weighted average of the two voting models, taking into account a weight of 50% in each method. I wasn't sure how to work, click here See an example of calculating a mixed voting system.

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How the BBB's 14th Wall Was Formed 24

The fourteenth wall began with Giovanna's second consecutive advance, which he achieved last Thursday (21). The leadership victory of the Gnomos group (Fernanda, Giovanna, Lady Elaine, Lucas Henrique, MC Bin Laden and Beetle) encourages the Vadas group (Alan, Beatrice, Davi, Isabelle and Matthews) to gain other advantages in the game, such as wildcard power. The two groups have been feuding over the past few weeks of the reality show.

Also on Friday morning (22), Matthews won the Coringa Power Prize, which is called Power of No Return. He received the benefit for 4,741 properties. With this power, in this week's dynamics, the Gaucho will be able to remove someone from the Patti Volta race, sending the participant straight into the wall, without any chance of escape.

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Also on Friday, before the party started, Giovanna put Alan and Davey on the mira para baridao. The final element of this week's game before the Wall was the Angel Test. In the autoimmune dispute, Beetle came out on top.

This Sunday (24), the formation of the quadrilateral wall began with the dedication of Bettel Immunity – this week, the owners were unable to immunize any other participant. Then, out of the two choices in “Mira da Líder,” Giovanna nominated Davi for the wall. In the dynamics of confessional voting, the two people who received the highest votes and those who were previously rejected are highlighted. the brothers They were Matthews, with five votes, and Lady Ellen, with four.

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To end the formation, Matthews, the participant with the most votes in the house, had the right to counterattack and put MC bin Laden against the wall. At the same time, Lady Elaine, the second most voted-for participant in the house, also counterattacked and decided to drag Alane into the spotlight.

With five people on the wall so far, Matthews decided that MC would not participate in the round-trip test. In addition, Daffy was also not able to free one of the participants from the wall in the conflict, due to the fact that he was nominated by the leader. Between Alane, Lady Elin, and Mateus, the one who managed to escape the limelight and guarantee another week of play in BBB 24 is Alane.

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Thus the quadrilateral wall was formed this week between Duffy, Lady Eileen, Matthews and MC Bin Laden.

See all BBB 24 participants

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BBB 24: Check out participants' social networks

BBB 24 Poll: Who's your favorite participant?

Find out all about BBB 24 on a special page