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Donna Maria thanks Al-Alam for being able to get the vaccine against COVID-19

Donna Maria thanks Al-Alam for being able to get the vaccine against COVID-19

The possibility of receiving the vaccination against Covid19 on Saturday (24) was filled with emotion and hope. She had been suffering from high blood pressure since she was 29 years old, and couldn’t contain herself after being immunized at UBS Caxambu, in Jundiai.

The application of the first dose is guaranteed to people aged 64 and over, as well as elderly 69 years of age who were able to take the last application (the first dose was given on March 31).

Maria Jose said: “I have waited so long for that day and I am very grateful that science has developed this immune system.”

Covid Jundiai

Vaccination of 64-year-olds started this Saturday in Jundiai (Photo: PMJ)

Roselle Negrini praised the organization of the campaign implemented by UBS Caxambu’s Health Promotion and Employment Administration Unit. “The vaccine is long awaited,” she said while the nurse was using the shot.

During the next week, the vaccination continues for the residents who set the previous appointment on digital channels in City Hall and follow the calendar that can be consulted on the website.

The Epidemiological Surveillance Nurse, María do Carmo Posedent, advises that in order to expedite care during the vaccination law, it is important for people to pre-register on the Vacinajá website of the state government of São Paulo. “In addition, we remember that it is not necessary to arrive before the appointed time, as the vaccine is guaranteed, and thus avoiding queues at vaccination centers,” he said.