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Done out! Caixa launches a new line of credit for small and micro businesses

a Federal Savings Bank, In partnership with the Ministry of Tourism, responsible for managing the Fungetur General Fund for Tourism, provides a Line of credit Special conditions for sector companies. The offer is R $ 1.2 billion in financing Man power During the coronavirus pandemic.

Aid had already been provided to the sector previously, however, at that time, only medium and large companies could participate. Now, the focus is on owners of small and micro enterprises, with annual sales of R $ 4.8 million.

Terms of line of credit

As a benefit for small business owners, the line of credit guarantees the following conditions: a repayment period of up to 60 months, a grace period of up to 12 months, interest rates of 5%, plus Selic.

Those interested in using credit should contact Caixa. However, for this, it is necessary to comply with some requirements, such as: the company must have had more than one year of incorporation and be certified Cadastur – the registration system for natural and legal persons working in the tourism sector.

After obtaining the certification, the company can rent a credit limit at any Caixa branch or access the state-owned company page in the “Your Company” section.

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