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Do this to query for forgotten values

Do this to query for forgotten values

Many Brazilians are looking for some extra money to cover high expenses, especially towards the end of the year and at the beginning of 2023. January arrives with common expenses at that time, such as buying school supplies for children, IPVA and much more. Learn how to check if you have any funds available for withdrawal.

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According to the entity’s data, more than R$4 billion is forgotten in financial institutions. Unfortunately, despite the Brazilians’ haste to obtain the funds, the funds have yet to be released. The good news is that this can happen at any time received value system🇧🇷

Available cash

The service was created to provide Brazilians with the money remaining in checking or savings accounts of various assets. For example: in the face of unnecessary charges of credit charges.

to me central bankIn the first phase, R$4 billion was returned, but now another R$4 billion is about to be returned to Brazilians at any time.

Forgotten money comes from checking and savings accounts that have been closed, as well as from payments made incorrectly, such as installments, credit operations, even equity and splitting leftovers at credit unions.

There is also the possibility that the amounts will come from closed federations.

The launch of the second phase was delayed due to a strike by Central Bank employees. Only after issuance, Brazilians will be able to consult and find out the exact amount they can receive.

The news is that now it will not be necessary to make an appointment.

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After, after Enquiry, it will already be possible to request the withdrawal of available funds. Once the entity has launched the system, you only need to access the program’s specific website using your login and password. With this access, all you need to do is check with the institution where you have funds available for a refund.

You will need to click Request Here and receive the refund by PIX or contact the organization that will be returning the refund to agree on how the refund will be delivered.

According to the central bank, the the system It is under refinement which is exactly why there is no exact date when Queries will finally be released, but the predictions are that it will happen in 2023.