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Disney employees in Paris take to the castle in protest of a salary increase

Disney employees in Paris take to the castle in protest of a salary increase

Disneyland Paris had a different scenario last Saturday (3). According to information from Le Monde newspaper, the theme park fountains gushing and fairy-tale music was interrupted by the sound of whistles and protest chants by men in black, with armbands reading “Security”, paralyzing dozens of visitors.

The action was part of another manifestation of a readjustment request by local staff. According to the organization, about a thousand strikers participated in the movement. In addition to the distinctive outfits, with yellow vests and signposts, the group took over one of the park’s castles.

“Five years working for a mouse, always paid like a mouse,” read one of the signs held by one protester.

On Saturday, it was the second time the group had carried out the intervention at Disneyland. The garden workers’ union is demanding a net increase of 200 euros per month, double pay on Sundays and better working conditions. (tracking)

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