Article written by Ossesio Silva, National Secretary to the Republican Elders and Federal Representative (PE)
Posted on 11/29/2020 5:46 PM
According to data from the National Agency for Complementary Health (ANS), 11% of people with a private health plan are older adults. Given this data, it is worth analyzing what behaviors are considered abusive, among which is the imposition of an exorbitant readjustment when the insured enters the age group over 60 years.
In this sense, the basic system of the elderly in his art. 15, Paragraph 3 specifies that “It is prohibited to discriminate against seniors on health plans by charging different amounts based on age🇧🇷 This is because it is very common for companies to use the argument that seniors, with age, may represent greater costs for health plan operators.
Recently, TJDFT upheld the ruling that found a health plan company guilty of compensating a 79-year-old elderly patient for refusing emergency hospitalization in the ICU – intensive care unit. The fellow concluded that denial “contradicts fair and legitimate expectations🇧🇷 The beneficiary deposited it in the HMO. The company was ordered to pay an amount of 10,000 Brazilian reals as compensation for moral damages, as well as permission to pay the costs of hospitalization for the elderly woman to carry out the procedures determined by the doctor in charge for the necessary period and indispensable materials for her. performance.
The fact described above demonstrates that we need to be aware of the fact that has already been demonstrated, namely the need for a differentiated and more careful treatment of the elderly who are recipients of the private health care service, on which they depend so much.
We, Republican Elders, argue that it is necessary for the population, at large, to become aware of and begin to question even judicially the abusive practices that many health corporations unfortunately engage in against their seniors. Ensuring the rights of the elderly is everyone’s duty!
* Articles published on the Republican Portal are the responsibility of their authors
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