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Digital Corridors at FdC with Entrepreneurship Talks

Digital Corridors at FdC with Entrepreneurship Talks

November 23, 2021 – 9:58 am
#Digital Corridors #Entrepreneurship #FdC #Secitece #Talks

From November 24-26, the Knowledge Fair, which is being held by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (Secitece) with the participation of Digital Corridors, the largest developer of innovative businesses in the state, will be held with lectures on entrepreneurship, management, methodologies and direction for the coming years.

Digital Corridors Begins Wednesday (24) at 3:00 PM With the Opening of Digital Corridors 2021, at 3:25 PM “Entrepreneurial Journey of Perrengue to Growth” talk, Clara Bidorini (Startup BD Manager at Amazon) begins Web Services), Giuliana Benati (Founder and Director of Procurement at Pismo) and Sarah Aragao (Director of the Digital Corridors Partnership Area); 4:10 p.m., “The Future of Cloud Technology,” with Cesar Martins (Oracle Cloud Sales Executive), Maria Carolina Faria (GovTechs Strategy Leader for Oracle Cloud) and Ann Pereira (Digital Corridor Creation Director); At 4:55pm, Marilia Coelho (Digital Corridors Traction Director) spoke on “Creating the Products Customers Want,” with Larissa Lima (COO & Co Founder at Mercadapp) and Thiago Melo (Global Product Manager at BEES – Ambev).

On Thursday (25th) 6:30 p.m., Startups approved in the Final Public Notice of 2021 will hold an exclusive event titled “Presentation of Build and Traction Journeys in the Digital Arcade Program” with Marilia Coelho (Director of Digital Arcades) and Ann Pereira ( Creative Director at Digital Arcades); At 7:35 pm the audience will talk about “Scenario and Opportunities for Startups in Brazil” with Jonathan Highlander (District) and Sara Aragao (Director of Corredores Digital Partnerships); 8:15 p.m., “Agile Methodologies,” with Albert Schilling (Atlantic Institute) and Sarah Montero (Director of the Assessors and Mentors Group for Digital Corridors); 8:55pm, “Customer Experience – Trends for 2022 and 2023,” with Cesar Rabelo (CEO of PliQ) and Flavin Vasconcelos (Director of Digital Community at Corridors).

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On Wednesday, the program “Digital Corridors Talks” will be broadcast on the “Knowledge Fair” platform. And on Thursdays via the channel YouTube Digital Runners.

Knowledge Gallery

The exhibition will be broadcast on an interactive platform of 3D virtual exhibitions with 100% free online access. There will be three days of lectures, life and webinars, as well as virtual exhibitions in various fields of knowledge related to science and technology, entrepreneurship, maker culture, artificial intelligence and much more.

The full program of the knowledge fair is available at https://app.virtualieventos.com.br/feiradoknowledge which is also the platform where the virtual event will take place.

The Knowledge Fair targets young entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, students, professors, researchers, technology professionals, managers and society in general. Visitor entry is free, just fill out the registration form available on the event website.