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DF Federal Judge Responds to State Representative’s Request and Removes Chief Privy |  Policy

DF Federal Judge Responds to State Representative’s Request and Removes Chief Privy | Policy

The substitute judge of the 1st Federal Court of DF, Marcelo Gentil, decided on Thursday (25) to remove Fukunaga, President of Previ, the pension fund for employees of Banco do Brasil (BB).

The decision was made in a popular lawsuit filed by the deputy of the state of Sao Paulo, Leonardo Sequeira (Novo). At the event, the congressman questioned Fukunaga’s career and his ability to hold the office.

Siqueira also requested that the Certificate of Technical Ability which the National Pensions Complementary Oversight Authority (Previc) had given to the Previc be annulled. Certification is a necessary condition for practicing the job.

The judge understood that the documents Fukunaga submitted for certification did not prove the experience required for the position. In view of this, he decided to revoke the qualification certificate – hence, the need to temporarily remove Fukunaga from office.

“In addition to the possibility of the right, which has been established according to the above reasoning, the danger of delay is also present, in the face of the presumed harm in the continuation of the effects resulting from the act considered prejudicial to public morals” says the judge.

The federation also contested the nomination

Previ is the pension fund for retirees and retirees of the Bank of Brazil. According to the foundation’s website, it is among the largest pension funds in Latin America.

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