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Dengue fever sets a record in São Paulo: cases in January exceed historical marks!

Dengue fever sets a record in São Paulo: cases in January exceed historical marks!

In the first three weeks of January, São Paulo recorded 1,792 cases of dengue fever. This number already exceeds the total number of confirmed cases for the first month of the year since the start of the historic series in 2015. The previous record high occurred in 2016, with 1,252 confirmed cases of the disease.

Variation of cases between regions of São Paulo

São Paulo has an INC (case notification index) of 14.9, which represents about 15 confirmed cases per 100,000 inhabitants. But this rate varies between areas of the city. The highest rate was in the Jaguara area in the Western Region, where 127 cases were recorded, bringing the rate to 534.5.

Data issued by the municipal health department

According to the Municipal Health Department, which published the data on Monday (29), 5,052 cases of dengue were reported from January 1 to 20. Of this total, 1,792 people were confirmed to be indigenous, meaning that infection with the virus occurred in the municipality itself. The agency also reported that four cases of Zika virus infection, 45 cases of chikungunya, and two cases of yellow fever were reported. However, no deaths related to these diseases were recorded in 2023 in the city.

Dengue control measures will be expanded

The municipal administration informed that dengue control measures will be intensified from February 1 as the number of environmental and health factors increases. The number of specialists involved in identifying and eliminating breeding sites for the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits dengue, Zika and chikungunya viruses, will increase from 2,000 to 12,000.

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Moreover, a “Victory Day” to combat the disease is planned for Saturday (3). All 471 UBS (Basic Health Units) will be open from 8am to 5pm with medical and nursing teams on hand to provide care and rapid dengue tests.

Tips on how to eliminate dengue outbreaks

At home, you can take some measures to prevent the spread of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. It includes closing water tanks and other reservoirs and cleaning places where water accumulates, such as tires, buckets, gutters and drains. It is also recommended to store items that can accumulate water during rain, such as bottles and jars, with their mouths facing down. All these precautions are necessary to prevent the spread of mosquitoes that transmit dengue, Zika, and chikungunya.