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Dengue cases are rising in Abukarana;  The Minister of Health appeals

Dengue cases are rising in Abukarana; The Minister of Health appeals

Following a rise in the number of dengue cases in Abukarana (PR), the Secretary of State for Health and licensed Federal Representative, Beto Brito, confirmed on Wednesday (3) the dispatch of three new vehicles to intensify measures to combat the disease. aegypti mosquito in the Abukarana municipality in the northern region of the state. This measure aims to ensure greater protection for the population, through spraying insecticides to control disease vectors, which is known as fumigation.

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According to preliminary data released by the National Information System, Abukarana has 1,439 dengue notifications, with 786 confirmed cases. On December 19, 2023, in the most recent bulletin from the state Department of Health, there were 152 confirmed cases, an increase of about 400%. The updated Sesa-PR bulletin is scheduled to be released next Tuesday (9).

“We have identified an increase in the number of confirmed cases of dengue fever in Abucarana and have made the decision, in collaboration with the 16th Health District, to send these new vehicles in order to provide more resources for mosquito control. We believe that this measure will benefit the city as a whole,” said Beto Brito. Prioritizing our most important asset, which is the health of the people of Abukaran.” Watch the video below of the secretary

Dengue fever is a viral disease transmitted by female mosquitoes. It can appear in a mild form, progressing to remission, treated with proper hydration and medications tailored to the symptoms, and in a severe form, which requires greater care in observation beds or hospitalization.

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According to Sesa's environmental monitoring coordinator, Ivana Belmonte, although the measure is important, it solves only part of the problem. “Smoke works against mosquitoes in their winged form. It is necessary to alert residents to be alert to potential breeding sites, which are mostly found in homes,” he warned.


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