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Deborah Albuquerque mocks Petala’s departure from Barreros and sends a message to Group A fans: “Arjona!”

Deborah Albuquerque mocks Petala’s departure from Barreros and sends a message to Group A fans: “Arjona!”

petal Barriers I followed a path Dulan Bezerra And he gave up farm 14🇧🇷 The influencer’s family obtained an injunction and demanded the creator’s departure. This announcement was made by the former peon on social networks and TV recording confirmed the singer’s departure.

On social media, the topic was talked about and brought to attention Deborah Albuquerque🇧🇷 In the official files, the former stage assistant pointed out the irony of the situation and sent a letter to the members of Group A. It should be noted that Albuquerque was one of the main enemies of Diolan and his allies.

🇧🇷Ask to quit smoking! Arjuna🇧🇷 Team A, now I know what people mean. Team A is “A” for Aragona and “B” for bravery. Did you understand?Fire up Deborah. The beleaguered former fans showed their support in the comments. It is worth noting that the production of the program did not clarify what the plans would be from now on.

🇧🇷aragonas. Removal Husband. They still say that false oath was flop🇧🇷, declared one profileOxe even then they’ll say papi won only because they left but I haven’t seen a lot of things actually happen in this one just laughing kkkk Deborah left and left arregonas they finished it realityanother user said.

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