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Deadly Bad Luck: Blinded after encountering a poisonous snake, a tiger devours a deer |  Biodiversity

Deadly Bad Luck: Blinded after encountering a poisonous snake, a tiger devours a deer | Biodiversity

Blind gazelle is easy prey for the cheetah during safari in South Africa – Photo: Musa Bukaba/Last Viewer

How unlucky would it be for someone to encounter a venomous snake and a tiger on the same day? Even when you are a deer living among nature and predators, this situation is unlikely to occur. But for one of them, photographed by a tourist on an African safari, such a day has come.

Musa Bukaba, a 31-year-old investment manager, captured the second of these encounters in South Africa’s Kruger National Park and shared the report and video on .com. LastSightings.com.

Bukaba, a frequent visitor to the park, said he went with friends to a place he knows well that usually offers interesting scenes of animal encounters. It wasn’t long before the deer appeared, and something seemed wrong with it: it was walking in circles, disoriented, blind in both eyes, perhaps from a recent encounter with a venomous snake.

Without knowing where it was going and attracting attention with involuntary sounds, the deer attracted the attention of the tiger, which saw an opportunity to obtain easy prey. Bokaba’s video shows the exact moment the predator approaches and jumps on the defenseless animal. At the last moment, the deer still senses danger and tries to escape; But, without seeing the way, he had no chance.

The tourist even then saw, from inside his car, the tiger passing with its prey towards a more secret place to feed in peace. He described the experience as “exciting, intense, thrilling and disturbing at the same time.” He and his friends were the only witnesses to this encounter, which illustrates how delicate – and dangerous – the lives of animals at the lowest levels of the food chain are.

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