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Darlan Cunha is the second to be eliminated from A Fazenda 15 with 4.43% of the votes – A Fazenda 15

Darlan Cunha is the second to be eliminated from A Fazenda 15 with 4.43% of the votes – A Fazenda 15

Darlan Cunha was the greatest strategist of the Grupo dos Crias in A Fazenda 15
Edo Moraes/Register TV

Grupo dos Crias lost another member on Thursday (5). Darlan Cunha was eliminated from Farm 15 With 4.43% of the vote after competing for general preference against two great friends: Sander Mecca and Tonzao Chagas. This is the team’s second loss in a row, and Laranginha left the match surprised by the result.

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The actor arrived at Roca By pulling paya. Jacqueline Grohalski was the most voted-up person at headquarters and pulled her rival into the spotlight. Along with Jack and Sander, Laranginha competes for the hat in the Farmer testingBut she performed the worst and witnessed her opponent being crowned from the penalty area.

How did such a strategic player reach elimination? One of Laranjinha’s biggest fears was falling into the Roca, to avoid this, He formed an affinity team, the Cria Groupwhich is shaped by Tonzao, WL Guimarães, Yuri Meireles, Natalia Valenti, Lily noobsander, and on the edge, almost at the top of the wall, Cariocha that it Camilla Simeone.

The group’s goal was to protect itself, attack opponents in the spotlight, and vote en masse. The problem is that the team scared away the other walkers, e.g Rachel Scheherazade that it Andre GonsalvesWho exposed Crias’s movements with criticism The “dirty game” and the herd effect.

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Laranginha, considered the boss of the team, did not take long to fight with his opponents. He had fights with Andre, Rachel, Jack, Callie Fonseca that it Lucas Souza. The coach was even The group’s primary target, receiving 16 votes in the first round, 11 from Chris. In Hot Seat Week, the group ran two tests, Farmer and Fogo.

They were at their peak and showed their strength, but they fell with… Nath was eliminated in a feud against Lucas and Rachel. Laranginha recalculated the route, but was unable to escape the following Roca.

Children’s group He went from the top to the groundHe lost the lamp, the hat, and one of the most important members of the team. Just like Natalia, Laranjinha is the show’s newest former pawn, and here he will understand the paths that led to the loss of one and a half million reais.

Remember his path!

Farm 15 It is broadcast from Monday to Friday at 10:45 pm, on Saturday and Sunday at 11 pm, on the channel TV record. Follow the Official website And social media to stay up to date with all the news! participation in Play Plus They have access to the cameras 24 hours a day.

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Remember his career on the program: