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Cyberpunk 2077: CD Projekt Red thinks the game is now ‘satisfactory’

Cyberpunk 2077: CD Projekt Red thinks the game is now ‘satisfactory’

The game is back on the PlayStation Store, but it’s only recommended for PS5 and PS4 Pro

at TVN24 interview with Adam Kishinsky, one of the CEOs of CD RED project, mentioned that The company is satisfied with the condition Cyberpunk 2077 movie distance The latest patch of the game, whose highly anticipated release was hampered by the various problems presented by the title on all platforms, but Especially on previous generation consoles.

To release them too broken, especially in X-Box default one and Play Station 4 base, was the digital version of the game removed from Play Station Shop, having only returned in last Monday (21), However with a note of presence Only recommended in Play Station 4 Pro H PlayStation 5There is no guarantee that you will get a solid experience in the basic version of the console. Sony.

However, according to Kisinski, the The latest released updates put the game in “satisfactory” condition for CD Projekt, believes that the company Moving in the right direction with updates and improvements.

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Credits: CD RED Project

Cyberpunk 2077 is going through a phase Almost constant battery from splash, basically represents Final stages of development From the address that was Released before it’s ready To avoid further delay, such as Already mentioned by several internal sources of CD Projek RED itself and the specialized media.

The open world RPG is currently, on most platforms, considerably more stable Than when it was delivered, but since then منذ Several development plans changed after the release. To prioritize bug fixing and optimization for older generation consoles.

a Multiplayer mode It will be released as an expansion of the game, If he is still released It should arrive as a Standalone mode, using only a portion of the single player mode assets, which is also unknown What other plans Includes the latest IP from the Polish developer It might have been changed With the turbulent first months of Cyberpunk.

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still It is clear that the company is not yet ready to abandon the project. Which, in addition to being one of the most awaited games in recent years, represented years of development and investment, and managed to push himself Even with all the refunds the distributors, including the PlayStation Store, had to give to and for dissatisfied customers Marketing practices are misleading and bad faith.

Source: GameRant

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