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Currently, there is no place to replace civil servant salaries, Treasury says;  Deadline in June |  Policy

Currently, there is no place to replace civil servant salaries, Treasury says; Deadline in June | Policy

The Minister of the National Treasury, Paolo Valle, reported on Wednesday (30) that, for the time being, there is no space in the spending cap to grant a salary allowance to public servants.

The spending cap is the mechanism that limits the growth of most public expenditures since 2017 to the previous year’s inflation. To go beyond this limit and create new spending, the government needs to cancel some other expectations.

Last week, the federal government stated that just to comply with the cap rule, It will already be necessary to allocate R$1.72 billion in the 2022 budget. According to Vali, if you were to give the replacement, it would be necessary to find space inside the roof, that is, eliminate other free charges (which are not mandatory).

“It is a difficult negotiation. On the one hand, it can be understood because due to the crisis, purchasing power is at a great loss [inflação de 10% só no ano passado]. On the other hand, there are budgetary difficulties after the pandemic crisis we experienced.”

According to the minister, the government has until the end of June to grant a salary allowance lower than the inflation of the last years of the civil service – the deadline in the Financial Responsibility Act (LRF).

Any potential adjustment above inflation, according to Valley, would have a more restrictive period and could only be granted until next Monday, April 3.

The Treasury secretary says the eventual 10% replacement for all categories of federal civil servants, if introduced from January to December, would cost R$20 billion. “Today, [a estimativa] It will be a lower number for 2022 because three months have passed.”

Paolo Valli also argued that the adopted solution does not create imbalances between functions, that is, it does not only benefit some groups of servers.

“When you take a step that benefits one profession more than another, the movement [grevista] It tends to get more extreme.”

Survey g 1 The GloboNews shows that the file Governors have already approved more than R$30 billion in adjustments to state employees Still in 2022. See the video below:

Conservatives will spend R$33 billion on reconfiguring servers

Conservatives will spend R$33 billion on reconfiguring servers

The latest amendment to public servants was announced in 2018, by then-President Michel Temer. At first, it will be valid in 2019, but at that time the economic team Convince Tamer to readjust salaries from 2020 onwards. The increases varied over five years.

In the 2022 budget approved by Congress and approved by Jair Bolsonaro, a R$1.7 billion reserve for salary adjustment was approved for jobs in the Federal Police (PF), the Federal Highway Police (PRF) and the National Prison Service (Depen). This value is kept for re-adjustments.

even though publicly defending the increase of police officers, President Bolsonaro has not yet hit the hammer on this.

While the theme is not defined, the servers hold demos. Servers of the Federal Tax Service have already handed over positions in recent months, affecting the work of the Administrative Board of Tax Appeals (Carf). They ask for a reconfiguration of the category budget, the organization of the so-called “productivity programme”.

The National Union of Central Bank Employees (SENAL) this week approved strikes in a category in search of a pay rise, and a strike from the beginning of April. They have already met with the president of the foundation, Roberto Campos Neto, without a commitment to readjustment. They ask for a salary replacement of 27%. The movement is already affecting the disclosure of indices.

National Treasury employees also organized demonstrations. They perform the so-called “standard process” in which only essential services are maintained. The demand is for salary replacement, if it does not happen this year, it will reach 30% in 2023.

On Wednesday (30th), the Court of Federal Auditors (TCU) requested support from the Civil House and the Department of Economy, so that court servers are considered in the event of a salary reset for some jobs.