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Crytek Asks Ryse: Son Of Rome, is receiving a great response from Xbox fans

Crytek Asks Ryse: Son Of Rome, is receiving a great response from Xbox fans

Crytek Asks Ryse: Son Of Rome, is receiving a great response from Xbox fans

Admit, if there is any possibility to talk about Rice Ibn RomWe’re right in it. We can’t deny that one of the Xbox One exclusives that launched at the end of 2013 has been one of the titles fans have loved the most since then. We always ask for a sequel because we think it has its audience. And not a few users would support the return of Marius Titus or that very strange Roman era to be seen in an action-adventure game.

Ryse: Son of Rome had it all: epic battles, key moments in Rome’s history, a story worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster, and stunning graphics that even almost today, 10 years later, we’re still fans of. So, the fact that Crytek, the game developer, mentions this on Twitter always moved us, mainly because of the tremendous emotion that was gleaned from the comments.

The response to the tweet was overwhelming, both from above 1,800 “likes” with more than 167,000 views Of the same, but most important of all is the emotion displayed on a title that was supposed to be a failure for many. Originally, Ryse: Son of Rome, under the project name Codename Kingdoms, received a trailer for the Kinect, but finally a launch title for Xbox One, perhaps the reason in the end is that its combat system hasn’t been polished so much, that it’s even more exciting. than functional.

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However, every now and then a rumor pops up that Crytek may have picked up the franchise to get back at it. He’s currently immersed in a new Crysis game, which is really important and important, but it wouldn’t be a bad thing if Microsoft jumped in to create a sequel. With today’s technology, that would be utter barbarity. Right “phil”?