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Cruise X Kayaking – Supersports

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    Leonan advanced to the left, but failed to get past the marks.

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    Henrique Luvannor appears near the area on the left, kicking hard while Vincius holds another one!

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    Gag ventures out of the entrance to the district and settles down Vinicius.

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    Eduardo Brock misses Brenner’s attack.

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    Eduardo Brock turns left and cuts through the area and cuts Marlon before Edo arrives.

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    In a rehearsed charge, Adriano plays over the barrier.

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    Henrique Levanor mistake in midfield.

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    Bedouin exploits the gap outside the region and takes it out.

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    Willian Oliveira zips into the zone, Gage dominates and kicks with his left hand on Vinicius’ top!

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    Fernandinho ran down the left, anticipating Oliveira and getting the ball.

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    Biddu rises from the left in the zone, Edu heads to the center and the defense takes it away.

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    All the! Rolling the ball for rowing and sailing!

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    Almost everything is ready to start the game.

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    Players from both teams enter the pitch at Independencia.

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    The Video Referee (VAR) is not used at this stage of the Copa del Rey.

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    Raphael Claus (SP) is the fencing referee. Rodrigo Figueiredo Enrique Correa (SP) and Rodrigo Figueiredo Enrique Correa (RJ) are the assistants.

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    Z Carlos, Lailson, Marco Antnio, Everton Sena, Ronald, Bruno Alves, Paulinho Curu, Henrique and Vanilson are the reserves.

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    Remo cast with Vinicius. Kivim, Daniel Felipe, Marlon, and Lyonan; Anderson Usha, Albano, and Marcel; Eric Flores, Fernandinho and Brenner.

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    On the bench are Gabriel Mesquita, Daniel Jr., Michov, Pedro Castro, Remolo, Rafael Santos, Wagner, Fernando Canesen, Marcelino, Rafael Silva, Rodolfo and Wagüño.

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    Cruzeiro goes to the field with Rafael Cabral; G Evaldo, Lucas Oliveira and Eduardo Brock; Giovanni Jesus, Willian Oliveira, Adriano and Bedo; Gage, Henrik Levanor and Edo.

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    Gabriel Brazo, Felipe Machado and Joe Paulo are injured and are absent from the Minas Gerais team. Neto Moura has already played for Mirasol in the Copa del Rey and also exited.

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    In the first leg, Remo beat Cruzeiro 2-1 in Belm and has the advantage of a tie.

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    Good weather in the capital, Minas Gerais. The thermometers read 22°C at this point.

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    The match will take place at Independence Stadium in Belo Horizonte.

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    Hello fans! Today we will follow the match between Cruzeiro and Remo in the second leg of the third stage of the Copa del Rey.