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Criciúma Church promotes symposium on faith and science ➜ Read on the Içara news portal:

Criciúma Church promotes symposium on faith and science ➜ Read on the Içara news portal:

Topics such as intelligent design and human creation versus evolution will be discussed during the first South Santa Catarina Symposium on the Integration of Faith and Science, promoted by the Abba Pi Church. This event will be held from 3pm on Saturday (10/5) at the church headquarters in Criciúma.

The initiative seeks to foster discussions that typically occur only among experts. The proposal is to provide the public with access to in-depth scientific content that supports the idea of ​​intentional creation.

“The idea of ​​a large-scale event like the symposium arose with the establishment by Abba Bey of the Ministry of Faith and Science. Although different topics are covered, faith and science are not mutually exclusive. There is a puritanism in academia that claims that in order to be a scientist, one must be an atheist.” This is not necessary and does not make sense. Anyone can declare their faith and, at the same time, be a scientist. In fact, many Nobel Prize winners in science were Christians. In this context, the symposium will explore topics that connect these two fields They did not seem to interact per se,” explains biologist and head of the Ministry of Faith and Science, Heitor de Jesús Mota.

The symposium, which is free and open to the public, will include speakers such as Marcus Eberlin and Michelson Borges. In addition, there will be discussion sessions throughout the afternoon, with live audience interaction. Eberlein is one of the most prominent Brazilian scientists today. Borges, in turn, is a theologian, writer, and author of several books, in addition to being a magazine editor.

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“The idea of ​​the symposium is to put on the agenda a topic closely related to science in parallel with faith, and to show that they are not in conflict, but complementary. We invited famous people from Brazil to ensure the quality of the event, and to make it suitable for the city and the region,” highlights Pastor Telmo Martinello.

Ministry of Faith and Science

The Faith and Science Ministry at Abba Bay Church holds monthly meetings and bi-monthly podcasts on science topics in dialogue with faith. In addition to scientific issues, historical, archaeological, philosophical and theological aspects are discussed.

“When brought closer together, science and faith can complement each other in many ways. Science can challenge faith to think about explanations of natural phenomena, encouraging more open and reflective approaches. On the other hand, faith can offer science an ethical and philosophical perspective, which helps it “Thus, both fields can enrich human understanding of reality. While science explains ‘how’ things work, faith can explore the ‘why’ of certain phenomena, and offer a broader view of human experience,” Motta comments.


3 pm – Opening
3:30 PM – Panel Discussion: Emanuela Borges (Intelligent Design)
4:30 PM – Panel Discussion: Thiago Moretti (Biography of the Human Species: A Badly Told Story)
6:30 PM – Lecture: Michelson Borges (Faith and Science)
7:30 PM – Lecture: Markus Eberlein (Faith and Science)

Text: Marciano Bortolin / Special NZBT Comunicação