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Covid vaccine: Is it fair to prevent unimmunized people from working?

Covid vaccine: Is it fair to prevent unimmunized people from working?

  • Peter Paul
  • BBC World Service

Health worker handling covid vaccine

attributed to him, Getty Images

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In more and more places, not getting a Covid vaccine means not getting a job.

The United States may have played a major role in developing the first vaccine against COVID-19, but it is now in the midst of a major dilemma over its use. Should people be forced to take it?

From banning restaurants and sporting events to losing their jobs, proof of vaccination has become a huge problem, especially in recent weeks in New York.

And what happens there could affect the rest of the world as vaccination rates rise and countries wonder how best to continue fighting the epidemic.

attributed to him, Getty Images

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Some New York health professionals have objected to the new vaccine rules

“I’m not entirely against the vaccine,” Crisleidy Castillo says.