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Could Michelle Obama run for US president?

Could Michelle Obama run for US president?

Politics in we It has always been the scene of heated speculation, especially regarding the selection of candidates for the presidential elections. Recently, there has been discussion about a possible nomination of Michelle Obamaformer first lady of United States of AmericaAlthough she has previously denied interest, the political situation is always open to new speculation.

In a statement before the car nbc news, Crystal CarsonMichelle’s communications director insisted the former first lady has no intention of running for president. Carson said: Michelle strongly supports her re-election campaign. Joe Biden that it Kamala HarrisBut this clarification did not completely stop the discussions on the subject, which brought the candidacy theory back to the forefront again in light of the current political situation.

Why is Michelle Obama a strong candidate?

Michelle Obama’s popularity is high and she has a large following. gravity that it Activity In many Social reasonsThis puts it in a prominent place in general opinionIt is a crucial factor for any effective presidential candidacy. Her influence as a former first lady and the positive aura that accompanied her term in office Barack Obama These are the points that still resonate with many voters.

Without any legal restrictions preventing her, Michelle meets all the constitutional requirements necessary to run for the presidency. United States PresidencyShe is a native of the country, is over the minimum age required, and has lived in the United States for over 14 yearsThe only condition that might complicate her candidacy is a personal or family decision, given that she has already experienced the pressures that come with being in charge of executive power when her husband, Barack Obama, served two terms in office.

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A recent survey by Ipsos/Reuters highlighted this, in a scenario where virtual, Michelle Obama will lead against Donald Trumpwith a great advantage 11 percentage pointsSuch numbers suggest a theoretical preference for his political profile compared to Trump, who has already held the presidency and whose personality remains polarizing.