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COP27: Brazil not a partner for forests – 11/08/2022 – Environment

COP27: Brazil not a partner for forests – 11/08/2022 – Environment

It was announced on Monday (7) to check the progress made in forest conservation COP27UN (United Nations) Conference on Climate Change, Leaders’ Partnership on Forests and Climate.

The initiative involves 26 countries and the European Union. However, Brazil is not home Amazon, the largest tropical forest on the planet – and the leading country in deforestation. Itamaraty, in a note, says the forums are better suited to “address the needs of developing countries”.

The list of allies includes Amazonian countries such as Colombia and Ecuador, as well as other countries with significant forest reserves such as Congo and Indonesia.

“By joining together, countries commit to leading by example in implementing their goals and strive to be more ambitious over time,” the launch document says. Annually, countries that have entered into the agreement must review the situation. See the list of countries that are part of the new partnership below.

This initiative is directly related to the declaration of declared forests COP26, which took place last year in Glasgow, England. At the event, Brazil signed the Declaration, which represents a “commitment to work together to halt and reverse forest loss and soil degradation by 2030.”

The new partnership was announced by the United Kingdom and will initially be led by the United States and Ghana. The group’s first meeting will be held on November 12, during COP27 (the event will be held in Egypt until the 18th). Panelists will discuss progress from COP26.

If Brazil is part of the new group, the data will show the deforestation situation seen in 2021. Amazon’s demise adds to criticism of the effectiveness of inspection systems.

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Liked by sheetItamaraty says Brazil is not joining the new partnership because there are better and more ambitious forums.

“While it adheres to the Declaration on Forests that the UK informally launched at a side event at COP26 in Glasgow, we do not feel that this new initiative from COP27 – the FCLP – provides the best design for addressing the needs of developing countries.” The body says. , in note.

For Itamaraty, the Green Climate Fund would do well to renew its payment plan to reduce deforestation, which “is facing opposition from developed countries.” “It should also be noted that other developing countries with large tropical forests are not part of the FCLP. [a parceria]”, perfection.

Members of the new partnership are committed to leading the way in at least one of the following areas: international cooperation in the economics of sustainable land use; public and donor fundraising for implementation; guidance on private finance; support initiatives of local communities and indigenous peoples; Strengthening and scaling carbon markets for forests—a favorite topic for Brazil—; and incentives and partnerships to protect highly protected forests.

Following the partnership, the United Kingdom announced an allocation of 90 million pounds (about R$ 535 million) to protect the rainforests in Congo, Africa.

In addition, the country also committed to allocating 65 million pounds (approximately R$386 million) to the Nature, People and Climate Investment Fund, which aims to help indigenous peoples and communities living in forests.

Countries forming the Consortium of Forests and Climate Leaders