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Consult now if you will receive the refund in the first batch of IR 2023

Consult now if you will receive the refund in the first batch of IR 2023

The Federal Revenue Service has opened consultation on the first installment of the 2023 individual income tax refund.

Consult now if you will receive the refund in the first batch of IR 2023

Credits: Joédson Alves / Agência Brasil

Consult now if you will receive the refund in the first batch of IR 2023

However, receiving a refund will not be immediate for everyone. The first payment covers 4.1 million priority taxpayers, such as seniors over 80, people with disabilities, educators, and those who chose a pre-filled statement or receipt via Pix.

Payments will be made by Federal Revenue on May 31.

To check if a refund is available, taxpayers must access the Federal Revenue website and click on the “My Income Tax” and “Return Refund” options.

In this first installment, which is considered the largest in the history of the agency, approximately R$7.5 billion will be distributed to taxpayers.

The tax return deadline began March 15 and ends May 31 at 11:59 p.m.

to 8:30 a.m. yesterday, Tuesday, January 23 tax authority It has already received more than 27 million permits and is expected to reach 39.5 million by the end of the term.

With information from Agência Brasil.

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