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Compare the PS5 and PS4 versions of the game

Compare the PS5 and PS4 versions of the game

As fans already know, The Witcher 3 will receive the original versions of ps5 and Xbox Series on December 14th. the channel ElAnalistaDeBits Take advantage of all the content presented by CD Projekt RED in the last live broadcast and compare the new version with the original, this one from the old generation.

The studio put up screenshots of both devices and also showed the improvements working on PC. When controlling Geralt of Rivia, players will find several improvements other than the title’s improved visuals. Check it out below:

As you can see at various points in the video above, one of the main new features is the new camera. When the witch is on foot, on horseback, or in combat, it is possible to notice the changes highlighted by the analyzer in the third minute of comparison.

With ray tracing, CD Projekt RED will provide PC-like performance on consoles, taking advantage of the functionality globally to deliver a significant improvement in on-screen reflections – but locked in at 30fps on PS5 and Xbox Series.

Remember: The Witcher 3 will appear Free upgrade Anyone who has a copy Playstation 4 or Xbox One.

The Witcher 3 PS4 Trophies will not carry over to the PS5 version

Repeating what was done with Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt RED has revealed that trophies from the PS4 version of The Witcher 3 cannot be transferred to PS5. They are better here🇧🇷

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