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Climate activists arrested for attacking statue in America

Climate activists arrested for attacking statue in America

you Climate activists Timothy Martin and Joanna Smith, accused of vandalizing the Edgar Degas statue at the Washington Museum in the United States, were arrested on Friday the 26th.

According to the US Department of Justice, the pair inked “The Little Dancer of 14 Years,” which was on display at the National Gallery of Art on April 27. The plinth and acrylic box protecting the statue were damaged.


Both will face charges of crimes against the United States and conspiracy to damage the museum. The charges are punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of US$250,000 (approximately R$1.2 million).

A National Gallery of Art The attack reportedly caused a loss of US$ 2,400 (R$ 12,000). The work had to be removed from the museum for ten days for recovery.

The move was called for by a small group called Declare Emergency, which asked US President Joe Biden to declare a climate emergency. Activists said during the attack that world leaders must act to tell the “truth” about what is happening to the climate.

Biden wants to silence environmental critics

American “progressives” first demanded that social media platforms silence critics Climate warning. Now, White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy wants tech companies to censor content about the political and economic costs of the green energy transition.

A few years ago, Facebook hired third-party “fact checkers” to “review” weather news. But that didn’t satisfy Democratic senators, who screamed about the “loophole” for op-eds. Facebook then added them to the “checkers” list.

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“Now, ‘progressives’ are moving to the second phase of the audit, which aims to end the debate on climate ‘solutions’,” an editorial published on Monday the 13th showed. Wall Street Journal.