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China Discovers Remains of ‘Dragon Man’ Evolution Has Changed – Ipoca Negosios

China Discovers Remains of ‘Dragon Man’ Evolution Has Changed – Ipoca Negosios

Homo longi or 'dragon man' lived around 146,000 years ago (Image: Publicity)

Homo longi or ‘dragon man’ lived around 146,000 years ago (Image: Publicity)

One fossil A major shift in what is known about human evolution could occur if it is well preserved in China. The researchers analyzed the near-complete skull of a new species, called Homo longi but called “dragon man” at the Harbin site.

The skull was found in the 1930s, but it was “hidden” from international researchers and has only been analyzed now.

Information about the discovery was published Friday (25) in the journal “Innovation” and shows three studies coordinated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Natural History Museum in London.

According to scientists, “Dragon Man” lived about 146,000 years ago, and it may be the “closest relative” of Homo sapiens, “stealing” the place that researchers give Neanderthals (Neanderthals). They still do not exclude that the three species may have coexisted in the same time period.

One of the authors, Qiang Li, said, “The Harbin fossil is one of the most complete human skull fossils in the world. This fossil preserves many morphological details that are crucial to understanding the evolution of Homo sapiens and the origin of Homo sapiens.” Scientific magazine.

However, according to the researchers, the features, at first glance, are very similar to “modern men”, but have some completely different details such as a wider mouth, almost square eye sockets and large teeth. About 50 years old.

This is the second evolutionarily significant discovery in the past 48 hours. This Thursday (24), Israeli researchers reported the location of Neanderthal remains that have characteristics of ancient human species and lineages. It is the first time that bones of this type have been found outside Europe.

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