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Check the date to receive the last payment of income tax refund

Check the date to receive the last payment of income tax refund

The process of declaring income tax can be a bit daunting for some Brazilians. This is because, during this process, the IRS chooses who need to pay an extra amount of taxes and who can get an amount.

This second group received an income tax refund. Therefore, the Federal Revenue Service pays these amounts to the population, dividing the beneficiaries into groups. Now, the last batch transfer will be performed.

Know when to consult values ​​- Photo: jeanedeoliveirafotografia/pronatec.pro.br

Income tax refund

Persons who have been selected to receive income tax payment and who have not yet been able to make a withdrawal must be included in the payment of the last instalment, i.e. the fifth instalment.

Through the end of August, the Federal Revenue Service finished transferring the fourth installment of refund payments. In total, 6 billion riyals were sent to 4.46 million people. Now, in September, the agency is making the final payment, leaving residents anxious to receive it.

Thus, people waiting to be paid will still need to wait until September 30, according to the agency’s forecast. On that day the income tax will then be paid.

However, Federal Revenue is expected to release amounts due for consultation through September 23rd. It is worth noting that this payment is made in such a way that people who have previously sent their documents in the first payment will receive it.

Besides them, there are also priority groups such as the elderly, people with disabilities and also those who live from work in the teaching profession. Those who had to make corrections to the document must also receive the last payment.

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Refund Inquiry

People who are already interested in learning how to conduct value consultations can prepare themselves for this release. Thus, the first step will be to access the Federal Revenue website at the address https://bit.ly/3qM2rsM.

You need to inform the year in which you want the consultation to take place. In the following spaces, it is necessary to inform the CPF as well as the date of birth. Finally, it remains to click on the button labeled “Consult”.

However, it is important to emphasize once again that consultations for this latest installment will be available only one week prior to the payment date, i.e. around 23 September.

How is payment made?

Payment for this feature is made by depositing directly into an active checking account. It is also possible to order pixel method or direct form.

It is worth noting that the amount will be sent to the bank account notified by the taxpayer himself in the process of filling out the income tax return.

In the event that for some reason there is inconsistency in the data provided by the taxpayer with the document, the amount becomes available at Banco do Brasil. However, the refund request period is only one year.

If this process occurs and the beneficiary notices this problem, it is possible to request the deposit schedule directly through the Banco do Brasil Relationship Center. To do this, simply call one of the following numbers:

  • for metropolitan residents: 4004 0001;
  • For those who live in other locations 0800729 0001;
  • For the hard of hearing: 0800729 0088.
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see also: The last installment of the income tax refund will be paid on this date; See how to withdraw