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Check if you are entitled to quotas

Check if you are entitled to quotas

Total forgotten PIS/PASEP shares exceeded R$23.5 billion; Beneficiary employees can withdraw funds through the FGTS app. know more!

All Brazilian citizens who carried out remunerated activities on their worksheets between 1971 and 4 October 1988 must check with Caixa Econômica Federal if there are PIS shares available for withdrawal. More than 23.5 billion Brazilian reals have been forgotten by about 10.6 million beneficiaries. If you fall into this group, read on and see How do you know if you are entitled to PIS / PASEP.

Read more: PIS/PASEP: Can I withdraw my benefits in January 2022? paying off!

Those workers who have forgotten the money can withdraw it through the FGTS (Fundo de Garantia do Tempo of Employee) application, regardless of age. In addition, the funds can be withdrawn by beneficiaries who have not yet withdrawn their share of Pasep in Banco do Brasil or PIS in Caixa, and who have transferred these amounts to the FGTS.

How can I withdraw my salary bonus?

The employee can withdraw the quota and check the exact amount that will be received directly through the official FGTS application. However, cash withdrawals can only be made until June 1, 2025.

What happens if the benefit is not withdrawn within the deadline?

All beneficiaries have a five-year period to withdraw the released salary bonus amount. But, if it has not yet occurred during the current payment schedule, it is necessary to wait for the next calendar to be able to use these funds.

Who is entitled to PIS / Pasep 2022?

To be eligible to pay, the following requirements must be met:

  • Correctly obtaining the data by the employer (legal person) in the Annual Social Information List (RAIS) / eSocial;
  • Be registered with PIS for at least five years;
  • Earned an average salary of up to minimum wage during 2020;
  • In addition, it is necessary to perform a paid job for a legal entity for at least 30 days in 2020.
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Check the channels to see if you qualify:

PIS (Private Company Worker):

  • In the application of the cashier worker
  • On the fund’s website
  • Through the Caixa service phone: 0800726 0207

PASEP (Public Server):

  • Through Banco do Brasil call center phones: 4004-0001 (capitals and metropolitan areas);
  • 0800 729 0001 (other cities);
  • 0800 729 0088 (hearing impaired).