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Cheapest electricity bill? The tariff will have a green flag in August

The electricity bill will continue with the green flag in August, without additional charges. According to the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), the flag should remain green until the end of the year, as there has been a recovery of hydroelectric reservoirs.

The cost of generating electricity increases when hydroelectric reservoirs contain little water and thermoelectric plants are active, which adds an additional cost to the electricity bill. The color of each flag, except for green, represents additional fare values.

Although there is no additional fee, Brazilians must continue to save, both in energy and water use, as the coming period is the dry season, when rains become more scarce and the level of reservoirs tends to drop dramatically.

The green flag should be maintained until December (Photo: Disclosure).

What does the color of each tariff flag mean?

The flag system was created by Aneel to indicate the cost of power generation. At the end of each month, the agency decides the flag color for the following month. There are currently four types of flags, check them out:

  • green – no additional charge;
  • Yellow – a cost from R$ 1,874 to R$ 2,989 per 100 kWh consumed (an increase of 59.5%);
  • Red 1 – a cost from R$ 3,971 to R$ 6,500 per 100 kWh consumed (an increase of 63.7%);
  • Red 2 – a cost from R$ 9,492 to R$ 9,795 per 100 kWh consumed (an increase of 3.2%);

The bunting is activated by the cost of power generation, when thermal power plants are activated, for example, it is an indication that the bill will be expensive that month, as this is an expensive type of energy, in addition to being polluting.

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How long will the electricity bill be cheaper?

The green flag has been in effect since April 16, 2022 and will remain so until the end of the year, according to Aneel. This is caused by decreasing the value of the electricity bill by restoring the water level in the hydroelectric tanks.

In 2022, the amount of rain contributed to an increase in the volume of water and a decrease in the tariff. Data from the National Electrical System (ONS) operator indicates that the Southeast and Midwest are responsible for 70% of the country’s energy production, and the level of reservoirs in these areas has been around 60% since March.

However, most of the country will enter the driest period in the coming days, which, according to experts in the region, should not have a significant impact on the electricity bill. The big difference is that the level of reservoirs this year is higher than it was in the same period last year.

see also: Find out how to sign up for the program that guarantees discounts on your electricity bill