1. (… North) State where the city of Charlotte is located in the United States. 2. Member of the prison system – type of hairstyle. 3. (Country …) Its capital is the city of Cardiff – (What…?) Is the expression used to hear the narrator’s opinion. 4. (… Sousa) Youtuber creating content about the aircraft – Amore, in Italian. 5. Greetings – (… Literature) Fiction, story of novels. 6. Basic Note on the Tuning Fork – (Age of … Chip) The Paleolithic. 7. Pakistan Currency – (… Crowley) Song by Aussie Osborne. 8. Protein to Avoid in Celiac Disease – Pressure Unit. 9. Singer Rihanna’s album – a terrifying animal that eats the remains of other predators. 10. (… hope) Common phrases in self-help books and posts.
1. Cover May – Also known as the Spanish Championship. 2. (Table …) Writing Material from the Babylonians – National Metrology Laboratory (Summary). 3. Defendant’s position – Bible prophet. 4. Largest Norwegian city – (Vladimir …) Russian President. 5. Jobs and Buildings Law (abstract) – (… legal) Cartoon character. 6. Plankton-eating sea fish. 7. Sodium, in Chemistry – Dilation of Time – Ingrid Guimaraes, Goyas Actress. 8. (Fever …) Viral bull and swine flu – (… Keys) Australian pop band. 9. Not in Number – (Thomas …) Considered one of the most important German novelists of the 20th century. 10. (Beach …) Surfers Frequent SC Tourism – The French city is famous for its curtains.
Horizontal: 1. Carolina. 2. Stuck, Afro. 3. Wales, et al. 4. Litto, love. 5. Hello, Prose. 6. There, stone. 7. Rupees, Mr. 8. Glue, bark. 9. Resistance, Hyena. 10. News.
Verticals: 1. CB, La Liga. 2. Arkila, LNM. 3. Crime, root. 4. Oslo, Putin. 5. LOE, Pepe. 6. Sardinha. 7. Na, Mora, I.G. 8. Aptas, bee. 9. Rare, man. 10. Mol, Arras.
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