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Certanius is not going to meet Bolsonaro in Brasilia

Certanius is not going to meet Bolsonaro in Brasilia

The country singers’ meeting with President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), scheduled for yesterday at 2:30 pm, did not go as planned by the government. This event was the only one that was put on the official agenda of the President of the Republic and will be held in the Palacio do Planalto, in Brasilia.

Column found that the president’s allies who He feuds with the second round with Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT)I planned to meet with singers who support the CEO and candidate for re-election to take pictures and post videos on official networks.

The artists were already called to the event, but did not attend due to “lack of an agenda”. However, that wasn’t the only reason – remember that Monday is usually a “off” day for singers after weekend shows.

The column spoke to people close to the duo who said the artists would prefer not to have such meetings with politicians so as not to suggest that support is a “bargaining chip”.

The president’s support continues, but there is still a fear on the part of the singers that attending such an event could be a risk.

Among the guests were Chituzinho, Fernando, Sorocaba, Bruno, Maroni, Leonardo, Zizi di Camargo, Henrique, Diego, Edson, Hudson and Henrique Castro. Nobody attended.

The government still wants Gustavo Lima, Ze Neto, Cristiano and Mayara to attend, but they have already warned against commitments.

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