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Central Bank changes Open Banking calendar due to PIX

Central Bank changes Open Banking calendar due to PIX

last Thursday , central bank (BC) He changed the Open Banking calendar again, or the Open Financial System. In this way, the calendar of the open financial system is separated into some stages, which have a specific past date. In the third phase, scheduled for August 30, only users will be able to Make conversions via PIX.

Initially, it was planned to fully implement in history with other means of payment, in addition to pix. Therefore, it was the means to be expected Ted e DOC For transfers, debiting the account and bank voucher for payments. Thus, the features will be integrated into the system in a staggered manner in the coming months.

from agreement with the central bankOn February 15 next year, people will be able to make transfers between accounts in the same bank and Ted. In addition to the implementation of payment methods throughout the year, payment by bank voucher will be presented on June 30, and on September 30, the discount will be integrated into the system.

a pix It is the payment and transfer system developed by the Central Bank in November 2020. Since its inception, the system has aroused a lot of excitement due to the ease and practicality it provides. And now, seven months after the release a toolIt became famous among the Brazilians.

Open Advance Banking on behalf of PIX

According to Diogo Silva, sub-unit head of the regulation division in British Columbia, the postponement was due to pix It is a monetary authority system. In this way, this peculiarity facilitates their standardization. “There is a great acceptance of PIX by the population, and it seems natural in the future that it will replace TedFor example,” he said.

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We have several shipments [dentro do open banking] And organizations need to test applications and seek certification. They want to check it before making it available to consumers,” Diogo Silva explained.

Thus, according to central bankOnly transfers will be available through pix in August. In addition, the possibility of transmitting offers of credit operations from institutions to customers, which will also be launched in August, has been postponed to March 30 next year.

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Moreover, the dates of the other phases of the system have not been changed. Therefore, the second and fourth phases will continue with tables Normal forecasts for the release date of each one, with pix As the main integration tool.

The new timetable for the implementation of open banking in Brazil

Follow the new schedule for the implementation of open banking in Brazil:



July 15 2021

The second stage: the exchange of registration and transaction data between the participating institutions;

August 30, 2021

The third stage: sharing the services of initiating payments (remittances) through pix;

December 15 2021

Stage 4: Share data from institutions (such as product list and prices) about other operations, such as foreign exchange, investments, pensions, insurance?;

February 15 2022

Sharing transfers between accounts of the same bank and Ted;

March 30, 2022

service sharing for forwarding credit operations proposals;

May 31, 2022

Share customer data about other transactions, such as foreign exchange, investments, pensions, and insurance?;

30 June 2022

Payment sharing by a ticket;

September 30, 2022

sharing the debit on the account;

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What are open banking services?

Connection open banking It is the process of exchanging financial data between institutions. That is, this process favors the search for services and products in better or more diverse conditions, which become more advanced with the implementation of pix. However, the operation can only be carried out with the express permission of the consumer.

Therefore, the consumer will be able to choose to share his information with the various organizations. Thus, the consumer can receive, for example, proposals for creditcards, cash, insurance, or Investments Adapts to your reality or profile that makes your daily life easier, as well as continue to use pix.

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