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“Catch the wave there”;  He watches

“Catch the wave there”; He watches

Lucas Henrique sends a message to his ex-wife Camila Moura on BBB 24.

Lucas Henrique sends a message to his ex-wife Camila Moura on BBB 24.

Photo: Video Reproduction/Rede Globo and @camilamoura225 via Instagram / Estadão

– WWLBD (@whatwouldlbdo) March 7, 2024

Lucas Henriqueparticipant Big Brother Brazil 24He sent a message to his ex-wife Camila Mouraon the reality show on Thursday 7. The then-leader asked Camila to “hold on tight” and stated that he had difficulties on the show.

“Oh, my love,” the brother announced. “Wait, come in.” He added: “It is very difficult, but you give me strength.” Watch the video above.

Lucas Henrique sends a message to his ex-wife Camila Moura on BBB 24.

Photo: Video Reproduction/Rede Globo and @camilamoura225 via Instagram / Estadão

Camila Moura and Lucas Henrique have been together for 15 years. Lucas entered the program while he was still married to Camila. After a few moments, I considered it so “Flirting” between Lucas and BeetleFellow prisoner Camilla expressed her dismay on social media on Sunday the 3rd.

She posted photos of her packed bags on her Instagram Stories and updated her new followers on what happened in the new videos, saying she didn't want to “set that example” for her students.

His Instagram profile, which had a small following, reached over a million fans. The description contains the phrase “I wonder why they think I'm vindictive…” and the hashtag #TeamDavi, a reference to one of the show's contestants. BP24.

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