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Cash will pay a new amount in 2022

Cash will pay a new amount in 2022

At the end of August, it was can Completing the payment of deposits related to FGTS Earnings 2020. In sum, about 88.6 million people received an allocation of R$8.1 billion. The For every R$100 in the account, Caixa deposited R$1.86. In 2022, Caixa should pay FGTS dividends again. Below, check out the details.

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FGTS win: Caixa will pay a new amount in 2022

Caixa distributed FGTS dividends to fund participants with a positive balance through December 31, 2020. Although the payment was expected to be completed on December 31, the bank completed the distribution of the amount a week ago.

Even with this balance paid out from FGTS earnings, the rules for withdrawing amounts have not changed. In other words, by law, payment can only be made in cases of dismissal, retirement, birthday withdrawal, home purchase, among others. In addition, it is important to remember that even with the payment this month, the income refers to the year 2020. In short, for every R$100 in the account, Caixa deposited R$1.86.

In 2022, Caixa will turn FGTS profits again. The records should take into account the movement up to December 31, 2021. This way, the amount will be proportional to the balance of each account on the said date. However, the profit credited to the worker’s account becomes part of his FGTS. Therefore, it can only be used in one of the cases provided by law.

How do you check the balance?

Citizens can refer to the available balance for 2021, and the value of the FGTS earnings, the same way they check the linked statement of account. Thus, it is possible to consult through the FGTS application, the Caixa website and Internet banking (exclusively for bank customers).

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In addition, the employee can refer to the FGTS balance at the following phone numbers: 3004-1104 (capitals and metropolitan areas) or 0800-726-0104 (other areas).

Through the Caixa website, the balance can be checked using the step-by-step instructions below:

  1. arrive to Location from the box
  2. Then enter your NIS or CPF number and click “Register Password”;
  3. After that, read the regulation and click “I accept”;
  4. After that, fill in all the fields with your personal data;
  5. Now, create an 8-digit password with letters and numbers, and confirm;
  6. When you do the above step, you will be directed to the login page;
  7. Fill in the fields with NIS or CPF, enter the password and click “Access”. Well, now you can check your FGTS balance.

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Photo: rafapress / shutterstock.com