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Cariocha, Marcia and Yuri compete in the Farmers’ Test this Wednesday (11) – A Fazenda 15

Cariocha, Marcia and Yuri compete in the Farmers’ Test this Wednesday (11) – A Fazenda 15

Pedestrians compete in the farmer test this Wednesday (11)
Edo Moraes/TV Record

Roca’s third formation appeared in Farm 15! Full of twists and turns, Tuesday night (10) stamped the passport Cariocha, Marcia Fu that it Yuri Meireles To the testing ground; The trio will compete for the crown of country dreams, able to free one of them from the dreaded hot seat – and his name Cheyenne It has already been confirmed.

At the voting platform, the formation began to open the power of the white flame, allowing this Lucas Souza Become invulnerable and invulnerable Rachel Scheherazade.

Then it’s time to nominate the farmer. Jacqueline Grohalski, which sent Cariúcha straight to the first seat. “My focus is not to eliminate or destroy any group, but to vote from my heart,” he said, recalling the influence of Monday (9) dynamics on his decision.

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When voting opened, the bombardment of a single pawn, as had happened in the previous two weeks, gave way to more scattered choices. However, Marcia received eight votes, some based on emotion, due to the crap that happened during the week, and others based on reason, which is purely strategic.

While pulling Paya, the athlete didn’t even have time to choose a walker to sit next to her and Shay was already standing. The former payroll official knew he would be elected, so he stepped into the spotlight with a big smile. “I’m here to play,” he recalls. “I am an opponent, but not an enemy.”

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Then the surprise: Remain One was canceled due to the power of the orange flame! Instead, Rachel chose two pawns – Yuri and Simeone – for the new vote. With 11 votes, Yuri occupied the last seat.

In the end, Shay was rejected from the farmer’s test. Strong feelings, yes or obvious?

Farm 15 It is shown Monday to Friday at 10:45 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday at 11 p.m., on television. TV record. Follow the R7.com And social media to stay up to date with all the news! participation in Play Plus They have access to the cameras 24 hours a day.

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