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Capcom accused of plagiarism for designing the monster at RE Village

Capcom accused of plagiarism for designing the monster at RE Village

director Richard Ravhurst, Who led the horror movie in 2013 Frankenstein Army, He claims so Capcom That would steal the design of one of the game’s monsters Resident Evil Village.

Rafforst commented on his personal frustration Linkedin, In which he shared some pictures showing how one of the heads of Resident Evil Village would be very similar to a monster in his movie.


The manager stated in his letter that “It’s a monster movie full of creatures I designed myself, and one of them has been used – completely without permission or credits in recent Resident Evil”, Referring to the president Sturm, Which has a jet engine instead of a chest.

In addition to the respective head who is practically identical, the Twitter Embed a Tweet He created a thread showing how many other monsters from the factory area in Villlage are very similar to those seen in the movie Raaphorst.

So far, Capcom has yet to take a position on the issue.

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