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Cancel credit card for non-payment?  Find out what to do, take care of cards, renegotiate debts at Serasa and charge via Correios

Cancel credit card for non-payment? Find out what to do, take care of cards, renegotiate debts at Serasa and charge via Correios

Debt accumulated on the card is a problem for many consumers. In addition, this financial product is the biggest negative cause in Brazil. So what to do? Credit Card Canceled for not paying?

In that sense, see what happens with Credit Card Canceled for non-payment. This way, it will be easier to turn the situation in your favor.

Credit Card Cancellation for Non-Payment: What Do I Do?

Most Brazilians suffer from accumulated credit card debt. According to Serasa, more than 25 million consumers have lost credibility due to outstanding debts in this financial product.

When a consumer is late in paying the bill, the first thing that happens is the negative name. That is, if the bill is not paid on the same day, the bank or financial institution will send the CPF number to the credit protection agency.

Another possibility is to cancel the card. However, financial institutions must notify their holders in advance.

cancellation note

The cardholder must be notified of the credit card cancellation. Financial institutions typically send AR letters through Correios, accompanied by acknowledgments of receipt, to notify outstanding debt holders.

The cancellation and acknowledgment must be in the content of the message. This notification is important to continue the process. After all, confirmation of receipt can serve as evidence, especially in future operations.

It significantly reduces the financial “snowball” when the credit card is canceled due to non-payment. After all, when this action is taken, the organization cannot charge any amount that exceeds the fee.

What if the financial institution does not send the notification?

When the financial institution fails to send a confirmation of receipt, the holder can file a lawsuit. This process is done by small claims court.

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The process gives an indication to consumers that they wish to enforce their rights, including collecting the right interest. If this happens, the financial institution may be asked not to put the owner’s name on the credit protection agency.

Debt renegotiation

There are several ways to renegotiate card debt. Initially, it was indicated that the holder should contact the same financial institution in order to find the optimal solution for both.

Another way to renegotiate debt is through Serasa Limpa Nome. The agency has partnered with several financial institutions to offer special discounts to consumers to redeem their names.

card care

To avoid the snowball, card holders must use it wisely. The advice is to forget about the limitations of financial institutions and set your own. So no need to worry Credit Card Canceled for non-payment.

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