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Can iPhone users be spied on by TikTok?

Can iPhone users be spied on by TikTok?

The truth is that the simple fact of being online poses risks to anyone’s security. Although applications and websites give a false impression of protection (and, in fact, try to protect users), threats constantly surround Internet users. For example, did you know that TikTok keyboard can steal information inside iOS (iPhone)?

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Social media keyboards can steal data on iPhone

One of the main features of the iPhone that makes it so desirable is the security that Apple is trying to offer. However, social networking algorithms such as tik tokFacebook and Instagram, for example, can read every key that is pressed. The only difference is that the Facebook and Instagram apps offer the option to use the standard iPhone keyboard, while TikTok does not.

TikTok recently posted on Twitter that “the report’s conclusions about TikTok are incorrect and misleading. Debugging, troubleshooting, and performance monitoring.”

The controversy began in June, when FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr said TikTok should be removed from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. He described the app as “a sophisticated monitoring tool that collects massive amounts of personal and sensitive data.” The young man cited new reports that revealed secret data had been sent to Beijing.

Use InAppVrowser.com to monitor phone activities

According to the specialized website Phone Arena, the developer has used this site, InAppBrowser.com. It’s “designed for everyone to check for themselves what apps are doing inside their browsers.”

The developer admitted that their site has limitations, adding, “This tool cannot detect every JavaScript command being executed, nor does it show any tracking that an app can do with native code.”

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Simply go to the website, share the URL https://InAppBrowser.com, click on the link and read the full report that will appear on your screen.