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Can I renew a US visa without an interview?  Understand the policy

Can I renew a US visa without an interview? Understand the policy

The United States agency states that the form on the CASV (Visa Applicant Service Center) website requires the applicant to fully respond and contains questions that determine whether or not the person should proceed to the interview process. – In a statement, the embassy's communications department did not say what these issues were. This policy of renewing some visas without the need for an interview has been in place since the Covid-19 pandemic.

If more information is needed, the consular officer will ask the person to come in for an interview.

1.125 million is the number of visas issued by U.S. Consulates and Counselors in Brazil in 2023. The agency says the number is possible due to increased staff numbers, prioritization of student visas and simplification of the visa renewal process.

At the peak of visa searches, in June 2023, the maximum wait time for a US visa in Brazil reached 630 days, according to a study by AG Immigration, a law firm specializing in immigration issues.

Time to Stop Getting Tourist Visa for US with Interview and Without Interview (Renewal Cases)

  • US Embassy in Brasilia (DF): 21 days/1 day
  • US Embassy in Porto Alegre (RS): 15 days/1 day
  • US Embassy Recife (PE): 98 days/9 days
  • US Embassy in Rio de Janeiro (RJ): 40 days/1 day
  • US Embassy in Sao Paulo (SP): 8 days/1 day

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