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Camila Moura wins arson trial; Find out who’s in the booth · TV news

Camila Moura wins arson trial; Find out who’s in the booth · TV news

Camila Mora won the A Fazenda 16 Fire Trial competition and won the lamp in the third week of the rural reality show. Zee Love and Raquel Brito also competed in dynamics on Sunday afternoon (6), and the strength gained will directly interfere with the formation of the field next, on Tuesday (8). The two losers went into the booth with Solen Gervasio and another pawn chosen by Daffy Brito’s sister.

The Orange Flame Force was chosen by popular vote. In the Kwai app, the audience can choose between two options: a) Today, you start the remaining option. If you are not in the countryside, you are already saved; B) Choice between immunity from the farmer’s nomination or immunity from the farmer’s second vote.

Adriane Galisteu appeared live on PlayPlus to reveal this to the audience The strength chosen was B. The walkers then drew lots to determine who would participate in the dynamic.

Gilson, Papi, Fernando, Flor, Vanessa, Sydney, Joey, Luana, Gisli, Flora, Yuri, and Sasha all received red points and were eliminated from the test. Ze Love, Raquel and Camila received the yellow balls, thus ensuring their participation in the dynamic.

Zach, Fernanda, Juninho, Albert, Solen and Cao drew white balls and got the opportunity to help the participants in the race. Zé Love chose Albert, Raquel chose Suelen, and Camila chose Caue as her collaborators. Zac, Fernanda and Juninho were eliminated.

How was the arson trial?

Adrian Galisto warned the walkers that the trial by fire would be against time, above all, but it would also require logical thinking. The presenter stressed that a little luck would help them.

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From the few snippets shown live on PlayPlus, pairs had their arms tied and needed to place six barrels of different colors in the correct order – similar to the colorful bottle challenge popular on social media. The full test will be shown on Monday (7th) on the record.

Admittedly, Raquel Brito felt ill during the race due to the physical exertion of pulling barrels and needed to receive medical attention. Therefore, you did not immediately choose who you would drag into the booth. Zé Love chooses Suelen – interestingly, she is the winner’s assistant, Camilla.