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Callie, Nadia, Radames, and Tonzao are at the farm;  Vote · TV News

Callie, Nadia, Radames, and Tonzao are at the farm; Vote · TV News

Calle Fonseca, Nadia Pessoa, Radames Forlan and Tonzão Chagas are on the tenth farm in A Fazenda 15. The farms were decided on Tuesday night (28). Who do you want to stay on the Record reality show? Vote in the poll the news In this text.

WL Guimarías, the winner of the fire trial, is called upon by Adriane Galisteu to reveal the powers of the lamp. He had to choose between white and orange scrolls and chose the first option. After that, she handed the other one to Yuri Meirelles.

Cesar Black then nominated himself as Farmer of the Week and targeted Tonzao. “Here in the game, we have big ups and downs in relationships. My relationship with Toon had very difficult and good moments, but last week there was a change in situation,” explained the former BBB player.

The Funk player said: “I already expected it. He came attacking me and attacking my group. The game turned and we showed our humility, and he came arrogant and arrogant, as if he knew the whole game.”

Headquarters vote

Cali was the target of the headquarters vote. By a majority of seven votes, the singer was chosen to occupy the second seat in the countryside. After that, Galisto asked Yuri to read the order on the orange parchment. “Multiply the total votes received by the pawn by two,” read the model that doubled Cali’s votes.

This time there was no drawing from the booth. Galisto asked WL to expose white power. “There will be a Resta Dois, and the remaining two will go to the farm. After that, you have to veto one of them in the farmer test,” informed an influencer.

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Nadia and Radames won the final two spots in the spotlight. The footballer was banned from competing for the hat.

Who voted for whom?

See below who voted for who in the farm formation:

  • Jacqueline voted for Callie Fonseca
  • Callie Fonseca voted for Jacqueline
  • Lily Nobre voted for Callie Fonseca
  • Radamès Forlan voted for Jacqueline
  • Nadia Pessoa voted for Jacqueline
  • Youri Meirelles voted for Calle Fonseca
  • Marcia Vu voted for Callie Fonseca
  • Cheyenne Haqbin voted for Marcia Vu
  • Andre Gonsalves voted for Callie Fonseca
  • WL Guimarães voted for Calle Fonseca
  • Tunzao Chagas voted for Calle Fonseca

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