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Caixa president says conditions will continue at Flamengo’s new stadium

Caixa president says conditions will continue at Flamengo’s new stadium

ESPN.com.br9 November 2023, at 17:03Reading: 2 minutes.

Flamingo armor in CT Ninho do UrubuFlickr/flamingo

Build a new stadium for Flamingo It is a recurring theme in the president’s administration planning Rodolfo Landem. This Thursday (9), the club received the “green light” to continue the project that would make the Gasometer area, in the port area of ​​Rio de Janeiro, the site of the “home” of the Red and Black.

According to O Globo, Flamengo already has a CEO heading the project. about him Marcus Bowden. Chosen by Landem, the businessman was just waiting for the introduction of the new federal president of the Caixa Econômica to continue talks on this topic.

On the other hand, Carlos Vieira, the new president of Caixa, gave an interview to the newspaper O Globo after taking office, and talked about participating in the construction of the new Flamengo stadium. He revealed the conditions for Caixa’s presence in the project.

“If it is profitable for Caixa, we will do it. Flamengo is one of the leaders in Brazilian sports. We can have a public-private partnership, for example, but I need to understand the project better. Private business is always necessary.” Welcome if it’s good for Kaisha,” Carlos Vieira told O Globo.

As previously announced, the stadium, if successful, will be built on the site of the old Gasometer. Caixa runs a real estate fund that owns the site in Porto Maravilha.

In other interviews, Rodolfo Landim has already commented on the possibility of building a stadium there. But he treated the matter as something “preliminary.”

“The news is real. Flamengo has already spoken with City Hall, the federal government and the Caixa Econômica Federal. Flamengo has already shown that it is interested in the Gasometer area to build a stadium, but the process is still in a very preliminary phase. It is a phase that is of interest to the club,” Landim said in 2022.

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It remains to be seen whether Flamengo and Caixa will move forward with new talks after Carlos Vieira takes office. Currently, Flamengo plays its matches at the Maracanã, where it runs the venue in partnership with the NFL Fluminense.

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