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CAIXA discloses withdrawal dates in FGTS 2021;  They are valued at 2,900 BRL

CAIXA discloses withdrawal dates in FGTS 2021; They are valued at 2,900 BRL

Attention of workers. From requesting the anniversary of the withdrawal of the Elderly Guarantee Fund (FGTSIn 2021, you can actually check your calendar, since Federal Savings Bank Already issued a distribution calendar. Withdrawals are valid for active and inactive accounts and can have up to 2,900 BRL.

Withdrawals must be made in a period specified by the bank, from the month of birth of the worker until the second following month. For example, a recipient born in April who chooses to withdraw Christmas cash must withdraw the funds by June 30th.

The 2021 birthday looting continues for those born in February and March. However, for those born in January, the withdrawal deadline has already expired on the 31st of March.

It should be noted that the method is optional and has been created as an alternative to pull pull. Therefore, citizens who comply with the Christmas withdrawal, in the event of unfair dismissal, will not be able to bargain for the money saved, but will usually have the other conditions stipulated by law.

To request the withdrawal memory, it is necessary to access the website, the Caixa app, or the FGTS Internet Banking app, and if absolutely necessary, go to the Caixa branch. To receive benefits in the same year of membership, you must request to withdraw by the last day of the anniversary month.

FGTS 2021 Anniversary Calendar

  • Born in January – from January to March 31;
  • Born in February – from February to April 30;
  • Born in March – from March to May 31;
  • Born in April – from April to June 30;
  • Born in May – from May to July 30;
  • Born in June – from June to August 31;
  • Born in July – from July to 30 September;
  • Born in August – from August to October 29;
  • Born in September – from September to November 30;
  • Born in October – from October to December 31;
  • Born in November – from November 2021 to January 31, 2022;
  • Born in December – from December 2021 to February 28, 2022.
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FGTS Withdrawal Amount

The amount distributed to the birthday withdrawal may vary according to the available balance in the employee’s FGTS account. In addition to the accrual amount, the beneficiary may receive an additional premium if he / she has more than R $ 500 in the account balance. Check the values ​​below:

The balance ranges at R $ Withdrawal percentage Additional plot
Up to R $ 500.00 50% _
De R $ 500.01 a R $ 1,00.00 40% 50 BRL
De R $ 1.000.01 a R $ 5.000.00 30% 150 BRL
5.000,01 BRL 10,000,00 BRL 20% 650 BRL
R $ 10.000,01 a R $ 15.000,00 15th% 1.150 BRL
15.000,01 BRL 20.000,00 BRL 10% 1.900 BRL
Above 5% 2,900 BRL