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CAIXA confirms emergency aid payments this Sunday;  See who is receiving

CAIXA confirms emergency aid payments this Sunday; See who is receiving

Sunday cut off emergency aid payments, right? No way. Caixa Econômica Federal confirmed the launch of a new batch of payments on April 18 (Sunday). According to the government, releasing 150 R $ or 250 R $ or 375 R $ It will happen to anyone born in June.

The benefit payments have already been made for those born in January, February, March, April and May. How much will I receive? see below:

  • 150 BRL Emergency aid will be paid to the worker who lives alone (one-person family);
  • 250 BRL It will be paid to most recipients (couples with or without children);
  • Help R $ 375 It will be deposited for female heads of household (single parent families).

According to information from the federal government, the above sums are much lower than the 2020 emergency aid version. The reason, according to President Jair Bolsonaro, is that the government does not have the funds to pay for more emergency aid.

In 2021, the benefit will be paid to more than 45 million Brazilians. The amount invested for this purpose is approximately R $ 40 billion to pay four installments of emergency aid. There is, too The possibility of extending the payments until December.

Caixa confirmed, in April, that it will make payments to those born from January to December. 12 payments will be made from the 6 to the 30th of this month. Withdrawals from the first payment phase will begin in May. Remember that some Withdrawal dates have been brought forward.

Emergency aid 2021

Emergency aid is a financial advantage that the federal government grants to informal workers, small individual entrepreneurs (MEI), the self-employed and the unemployed, and aims to provide emergency protection in the crisis response to the emerging coronavirus pandemic. The amount has been paid since last year, with a 3-month stoppage in 2021, but was paid again in April of this year.

Payments are managed by three parties:

Dataprev: It assesses whether the citizen fulfills all requirements and informs the amount to be paid.

Ministry of Citizenship: Coordinates the process and provides CAIXA with a list of beneficiaries and amounts to be paid.

Box: Makes credit in digital accounts of approved recipients by the federal government.

Emergency aid will be paid in 2021 to families with a total monthly income of three minimum wages, provided that the per capita income is less than half of the minimum wage.

In 2021 no new registrations were opened. The federal government has reassessed all approved recipients of emergency assistance, and verified whether they are eligible to receive benefits in 2021, in accordance with the new rules.

For those who receive the Bolsa Família, the most beneficial value rule continues to apply. The person will receive the benefits of the highest value, whether it is the portion paid under the program or the amount of emergency assistance. It is important to make it clear that anyone who is in Bolsa Família to receive emergency aid 2021 must comply with all set rules.

With a CAIXA digital savings account, which can be used by the CAIXA Tem app.

For the general Bolsa Família, in addition to transferring the feature through the CAIXA Tem app, it will also be possible to withdraw funds with the Bolsa Família or Citizen Card, at ATMs and lottery shops.

Who can not receive?

Anyone who meets at least one of the criteria below, defined by the federal government, will not be entitled to emergency aid in 2021:
He has an official job at the moment.
• receives INSS, unemployment insurance and other benefits, excluding PIS / Pasep or Bolsa Família benefits;
• That the individual’s monthly family income is above half of the minimum wage (R $ 550 this year).
• a family member with a total monthly income of more than three minimum wages (R $ 3,300, this year);
• earned, in 2019, taxable income of more than R $ 28,559.70;
Acquisition or ownership of goods or rights on December 31, 2019, with a total value of more than R $ 300,000;
• You obtained, in 2019, exempt, non-taxable or exclusively taxable income at the source, higher than R $ 40,000;
• It was based on who declared income tax in 2019;
• If you are incarcerated in a closed system or have your CPF tied as a source of assistance to the prison;
Emergency aid for 2020 has been canceled.
• I stopped dealing with payments from the Bolsa Família or emergency aid.
A trainee, resident physician, or multi-professional resident and recipient of a scholarship;
• Lives outside of Brazil.

How many people in the same family will be able to receive emergency aid in 2021?

As defined by the federal government, 2021 Emergency Assistance provides for payment to one beneficiary per household, so that if more than one person in the household meets the criteria, the following breakout rule will be considered to determine who is entitled to receive the benefit:
1. The woman who supports a single-parent family (the head of the household);
2. A family member with the oldest date of birth, and for tie-break purposes, female; And the
3. In alphabetical order of the name, if necessary, for purposes of disengagement.

Emergency aid deposit calendar 2021

Emergency aid deposit calendar 2021

born in deposit
Installment 1 Installment 2 Installment 3 Installment 4
Janeiro April 6 May 16 June 20 July 23
February April 9 May 19 June 23 July 25
March April 11 May 23 June 25 July 28
April April 13 May 26 June 27 August 1
May April 15 May 28 June 30 August 3
June April 18 May 30 Fourth of July August 5
July April 20 June 2 6th of July August 8
August April 22 June 6 July 9 August 11
September April 25 June 9 July 11 August 15
October April 27 June 11 July 14 August 18
November April 27 June 11 July 14 August 20
Dec April 30 June 16 July 21 August 22

Schedule of withdrawal and transfers of emergency aid for 2021

born in Withdrawals or transfers
Installment 1 Installment 2 Installment 3 Installment 4
Janeiro May 4 June 8 July 13 August 13
February May 6 June 10 July 15 August 17
March May 10 June 15 July 16 August 19
April May 12 June 17 July 20 August 23
May May 14 June 18 July 22 August 25
June May 18 June 22 July 27 August 27
July May 20 June 24 July 29 August 30
August May 21 June 29 July 30 The first of September
September May 25 The first of July August 4 Sep 3rd
October May 27 July 2 August 6 September 6
November June 1 July 5 August 10 September 8
Dec June 4 July 8 August 12 September 10