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By 100% Vega misses three consecutive kicks on Palmeiras: ‘No one bothers me more than me’ |  Palm trees

By 100% Vega misses three consecutive kicks on Palmeiras: ‘No one bothers me more than me’ | Palm trees

After a consecutive series of 24 consecutive hits on penalties by Palm treesMidfielder Rafael Vega saw his transforming moment: with the two errors in the Brazil Cup elimination against Sao Paulo, this Thursday, at Allianz Parque, Vega came to three penalties in a row.

There is no one in this world sadder than me after this match. Life is so crazy. A month ago, a player called me to take a penalty. Today I missed two in the same match. You were decisive in a big match. I hit the most responsible penalty kick of my career and I lost today. Not always and not always. This is it. Neither the best nor the worst. He made mistakes sometimes, always took responsibility – Veiga posted on his social networks.

– I take my responsibility tonight. Tomorrow is a new day. Another 24 hours for me to get better – he added.

Leo and Rafael Vega Palmeiras vs Sao Paulo – Photo: Marcos Ripoli

The series kicked off at the end of May, when he kicked the bar in the classics against Santos. Verdau won 1-0, with a goal by Gustavo Gomez.

Before the match at Vila Belmiro, Veiga converted all 24 attempts for Verdão: 22 in 90 minutes and twice in penalties.

On Thursday he missed once in regular time, when he took the opportunity to make 3-0 and practically decide the confrontation – Sao Paulo would have made it 2 to 1 at the next show, also in a penalty kick.

Then, in the penalty shootout, he saw Jandrei defend his kick: the first time a goalkeeper managed to score a penalty from Veiga for Palm trees.

In the 27th minute of the second half - the right end of Rafael Vega de Palmeiras against Santos

In the 27th minute of the second half – the right end of Rafael Vega de Palmeiras against Santos

Between the classic match against Santos and Thursday’s match, Vega was sidelined for a long time with a right thigh injury, only returning at the end of June. Against São Paulo, despite missing the penalty shootout, Vega broke a two-month fast without goals: the last time was on May 14, in the 2-0 victory over Red Bull Bragantino, for the Brazilians.

Boca says:

“It was the most winning game Palmeiras lost,” says Boca, The Voice of the Crowd