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Businessman defends free speech in posts against science and in favor of Bolsonaro’s government – Rádio Senado

CPI from Pandemic

Businessman Otavio Fakhoury has denied being a promoter of fake news and hate speech. But he defended his posts against vaccination and for the benefit of the covid group. He alleged persecution for being a right-wing political activist. Despite highlighting the row with the businessman, Senator Marcos Ruggiero (DEM-RO) warned against disrespecting free speech. The argument was refuted by Ruggiero Carvalho (PT-SE), who was cited as having committed a crime.

09/30/2021, at 20:28 – Updated on 09/30/2021 at 8:28 PM

sound duration: 03:16

Leopoldo Silva / Senate Agency

Publications deprive businessmen of fake and anti-democratic news, and he says he is persecuted for being politically active. Governors are demanding freedom of speech, but the opposition alerts that false news about the pandemic is a crime. Reporter Herica Christian. Businessman Otavio Fakhoury denied the accusation that he is an advocate of false news and hate speech. He confirmed posts on social media in which he expressed his opposition to vaccination and the use of masks in favor of the so-called covid kit and the herd immunity thesis based on his own experiences. They said they are personal opinions within the right to freedom of expression. Ottavio Fakhoury declared that he is not a friend of President Bolsonaro, but confirmed his closeness to Federal Representative Eduardo Bolsonaro and his electoral donations in the 2018 elections and more recently from works for the government. About the Forsa Brasil Institute, which brokered an alleged contract between AstraZeneca and the Ministry of Health through vaccine sellers, Ottavio Fakhoury said he was the vice president and financier of FIFA, but denied his participation in anti-democratic and anti-science positions. The businessman is being investigated by the Supreme Court in the Fake News investigation, but has claimed he was harassed for being politically active. It is clear and obvious a persecution of the conservative view and field of ideas. In fact, prosecutor Augusto Arras, in his statement, when analyzing the same tweets posted here, said that although they were harsh statements, they were not a crime. So, this view is there. The way I understand it is that they criminalize opinion in Brazil. By stating that he disagrees with many of Ottavio Fakhoury’s positions, Senator Marcos Ruggiero, of the Rondônia Democratic Party, warned against trying to censor because the businessman defends the government. This is a guarantee that the voice of the citizens will be heard in showing their different political and ideological currents that exist in the society. Freedom of expression acts as a thermometer for a democratic state. When freedom of expression begins to diminish, the trend is to become an authoritarian state. The former President of the Republic spoke of nonsense. what’s up? Will anyone be free? The current president is also talking about nonsense. Will anyone be free? Senator Ruggiero Carvalho, of the PTSD Sergipe party, rejected the argument for free speech. One thing is freedom of expression, and the other is encouraging people to act in a way that puts their lives and the lives of others at risk. Today’s agent also contributed to 596,163 deaths. He did not exercise freedom of expression, but rather the form of opinion that generated behavior that threatened people’s lives. This is a crime. Ottavio Fakhoury confirmed a contract with Petrobras to rent a property, but denied using the money to promote pocket sites. He also defended Prevent Senior and said he had intended to launch a teleconsulting app to prescribe a covid toolkit, such as the Health Ministry’s Tratecov, which was eventually scrapped. From Senate Radio, Herica Christian.

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