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Bruno returns to the match after feeling ill and worrying the participants – TV News

Bruno returns to the match after feeling ill and worrying the participants – TV News

Bruno Cardoso returned to the A Grande Conquista Palace on Tuesday afternoon (28). The actor was taken to the hospital for tests after feeling ill during confinement. The newspaper stated that it did not think at any time about excluding the player because of what happened.

Upon returning home, the artist was welcomed by the other participants. Everyone came to embrace him. “I missed you so much,” said a caged woman’s voice. Anahi Rodrigue replied: “I just talked about you with Jenny. I just kept my mouth shut.”

The actor was having an anxiety crisis, the Register reported. The broadcaster reported, “Al-Fatih was always accompanied by the production of the program so that the rules of reality would not be violated.”

Earlier, Bruno’s team issued some notes to clarify its position. He added, “With the emergence of some doubts and the spread of some incorrect information, we have come to take a stand.”

“Bruno does not have any kind of contact with his family, his team or even his own doctor here. He is only in the hospital with doctors authorized by the reality show. No outside information has been passed on.”

“God is in control, Brunao! Now, our clown will come back with that smile on his face! I know many are worried, sending messages, but don’t worry, everything will be fine and we are counting on everyone’s support and their fans.” “, his team completed, in another post.

Producing the Great Conquest as well Updating participants about the health status of their colleagues in prison This Tuesday. “Bruno is fine. Our doctor thinks it is best, for safety’s sake, for him to remain under observation in the hospital tonight and repeat some tests this morning. As soon as possible, he will return to the palace,” Hideo said.

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What happened to Bruno?

During the program’s edition on Monday (27), the audience was able to see the moment when the actor was saved by the other players. He was lying on the edge of the pool, but the reason for his discomfort was not revealed at the time.

Broadcaster Rachel Scheherazade said: “He is fine, and as soon as the medical team allows him to recover, he will return to the match,” without giving further details to fans of this event.