Kelly Shkli – Mail Special
Posted on 4/5/2023 10:09 AM

(Credit: Ed Alves/CB/DA Press)
The provisional measure (MP) of the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), which could have hit President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers’ Party), ended up without the approval of the Senate, thus losing its effects, in force since the end of December last year. Legislatively speaking, the mandate of the deputy has expired.
The proposal is part of the group that Planalto’s leadership in Congress has asked to be removed from the agenda despite it being approved last week by the House. Number 1152, the proposal amended laws considered critical to environmental protection — such as those of the Chico Mendez Institute and the National Climate Change Fund — with the goal of making the process of exploring green spaces less bureaucratic.
Analyzing the decision in the chamber, Rep. Ze Vitor (PL-MG) says.
environmental issues
At the end of a press conference on joint committees held on Tuesday (4/4), the Minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilla (Labor Party), said that “there is no obligation on the part of the government to punish the MP in environmental issues,” referring to the temporary measure, which he has in Background The interests of the previous administration, diametrically opposed to the interests of the current administration.
In practice, however, there would be no sanction if the senators approved the motion: since there were changes in the original text, when the MP was addressed in the chamber, the Conversion Bill (PLV) was born, which, upon ratification in plenary, was Enacted by the President of the National Congress, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), in accordance with legislative ritual.
The text sent to the Senate established the Public Forestry Management Committee, giving the cell powers beyond those of the National Environment Council (Konama). Bolsonaro’s government has become known for its policies of dismantling environmental protection in Brazil.
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